
Fashion Views from Pitti Uomo

A quick conversation on fashion from Florence at Pitti Uomo with Ilario Esposito and Taiwo Meghoma.

Fashion podcast


This episode of Before Tacky talk to Lyonnel and Taiwo from London about modern menswear trends. During these times, making style decisions can be challenging. During this podcast we answer some questions.


Before Tacky podcast on MFWM

The Before Tacky crew give their opinions on Milan Fashion Week Men.

This podcast sponsored by Colmar. See the t-shirt I am wearing below in this episode. 100% cotton colour blocked piece.

Fashion podcast

Before Tacky on Cody & Co

Before Tacky podcast talks to Phil Cody about his shoe brand Cody & Co.

Click below to watch.


Gender Spin at Apocrypha

While going over looks from Tokyo Fashion Week I came across Fashion Designer Apocrypha. The color combinations and lace materials grabbed my attention. I sent him an email. Happily, Creative Head Reiji Harimoto responded to grant Black and Paper an interview.

What does the white represent in the collection? 

It has several meanings. First, the white must be a standard color in the style of the historical background, imagined the situation in Europe during the regent era. Second, this collection is inspired by Charles Baudelaire’s collection of poems. It only has the information of black ink visually dropped on white paper. However, there are an infinite number of colors that can be imagined from that information. Black ink on paper is generally colored by subtractive mixing, but by reading this as letters, one can imagine a scene that is colored by additive mixing from a dark state with nothing in the head. In this collection, white is the imagination of color, which is the basis of subtractive mixing. His poems are colored based on the experience of the reader, who must have fallen in love once. 


Lace is more of a feminine material but you have incorporated the material in the menswear looks, why?

I think Baudelaire’s poetry is an objective and abstract depiction of Baudelaire’s own life, which always depends on women. I also wanted to express such a view of the world. It may be “feminine” by being worn by women. However, when men wear it, it has some kind of matured ”masculinity”. Maybe I wanted to get rid of the peculiarity. Also, during the time of George Brian Brummell’s life, which is the origin of “Dandy”, the way of life of Baudelaire, mechanical lace knitting machines were born in England. It is a technology that has survived the Luddite movement and continues to evolve to the present day. Isn’t that too wasteful to categorize by gender? 

DANDY Lace is more of a feminine material but you have incorporated the material in the menswear looks, why?I think Baudelaire’s poetry is an objective and abstract depiction of Baudelaire’s own life, which always depends on women. I also wanted to express such a view of the world. It may be “feminine” by being worn by women. However, when men wear it, it has some kind of matured ”masculinity”. Maybe I wanted to get rid of the peculiarity. Also, during the time of George Brian Brummell’s life, which is the origin of “Dandy”, the way of life of Baudelaire, mechanical lace knitting machines were born in England. It is a technology that has survived the Luddite movement and continues to evolve to the present day. Isn’t that too wasteful to categorize by gender? 

Gothic Chic

What is the Gothic link to the Spring 21 designs?

The answer depends on what you mean by “Gothic” in the question. If I dare to answer in the first place, if you see this collection and feel the Gothic element, it is a scene that you can see from the background of the times, as answered in the first question. If so, I think I have succeeded in expressing my most important “collection should be a literary art drawn with clothes”.

Are you making a gender statement about modern fashion?

In Japan, it seems that gender controversy is often going in the wrong direction. For example, regarding feminism, misandry ideas are strongly felt, and relatively aggressive claims are becoming mainstream in SNS and social media. Many are neither calm nor academic. I don’t think it is desirable to have a conflict with a principle. Also, there are many women with strong social status around me in the fashion industry. When I listen to their opinions, I think that the stronger those claims are, the more isolated they are, and the more the conflict of principles is just creating a groove. I think the same can be said from liberalism and other ideas. That’s why I wanted to create a categorized creation. 


Where would a guy wear your pieces?

The image of a man I imagine exists in a twilight space between morning and night at dawn, between daily and extraordinary. It’s just an imagination, and in reality, I’d like you to put it into your own identity and wear it as your own in every scene of everyday life. Because the person who wears it in every scene is the main character. If you’re in Hollywood and your main character is a profession, maybe it’s only when you’re on the red carpet. 

An Oversized Fall Look
Oversized with Color

I noticed the A/W collection was oversized with layers combined with streetwear style, what influenced this? 

Reproduced relatively faithfully to the historical background. I create all the patterns myself, so every season there is a theme in pattern making as well as design. In the theme of the collection, we analyze the social situation and trends of the historical background and calculate back from the one at that time to create a pattern. You cannot create an atmosphere that feels “somehow” just by adding details to the existing body. This is also the theme of life, which is always in conflict between commercial design and authorship.

Stay Tuned for Before Tacky Podcast. Interviews with Fashion Professionals.


Milan MFWM Fall 21

Milan Fashion kicked off in the virtual mode this season. We the world under some form of lockdown, buyers and press are unable to travel. The Italian fashion capital put its best foot forward but going direct to the point. Filming closed runway shows instead of Calvin Klein Commercials. I want to say “Thank You”. 

It’s easy to spot the trend this season: staying home. All is casual. For Italian designers this could be a blessing in disguise. Comfort took center stage. Using quality fabrics and relaxed looks that could transition from home office to going out for a stroll worked on many levels. It felt a bit as if the designers are under less pressure with some reinvention in their minds. Is a new classic emerging?




David Catalan


Elegantly Radical

I asked Bocheron Creative Head Claire Choisne about a new piece from the Contemplation Collection. The statement Arrow Earring Piece struck me as gender free elegance with a tinge of radical from the historic jewellery brand.

The Arrow Earpiece, I saw it was worn by a man.  Is this a gender free piece?

It was actually the first time we chose a man in our campaign. When the model tried the earring, it was so cool, even cooler on a male. I don’t know why men are not wearing jewelry because we also design pieces for them. High Jewelry should not be only for women. When I saw the man with the earring, I felt it was perfect and the right person to wear it. I am so happy if you notice that.


From Milan With LOVE Pt#3

Black and Paper presents From Milan With Love by Flora Marcella Cusi with Gabi Thiam wearing Borsalino Hats and Colmar Outerwear.

In the Mirrow
Looking Chic

Stay Tuned for more from the series.


No Need for Luxe

Every season, two times a year, I hit the luxury stores. Sale Season! Those words are music to my eyes, hard on the wallet. Always updating the wardrobe on a budget. 

This year, like everything, things are a bit strange. Only a few customers allowed in the stores with fewer sales people. 

I noticed the trend, lux mixed with streetwear. Few brands have transitioned well. I would say some pieces were ugly. Saying this in front of a 50% off sale sign is a statement. In the past, going to a select store was a treat. I could not wait to a designer look.

Something happened this year. I traveled to the centers of Hamburg and Berlin for the special occasions. To my surprise, I found nothing I wanted. Walking from one top brand store to another, nothing hit me. ( Later, I will tell you about the service in a few places.)

Kadewe and Alsterhaus department stores, temples of consumption where all is offered under one roof. Being there inspired me to write this article. What happened to the big brands? On shelves one after another, the numbing sensation overwhelmed me. Some items came across as cheap at 1000 euros. Overpriced H&M production models. High fashion was about being distinguished, exclusivity. I am not an elitist, but somewhat of a fashion style snob. When there is a good markdown.

Perhaps in the New Normal my motivation for buying has changed. Why do I need this or that? Life and work wardrobes center on Zoom T-Shirts. 

There is still hope. I decided to buy a bag, and a scarf from independent luxury labels. The pieces are more original, more details. 


Paris Fashion Week Men, AGAIN

Paris Fashion Week Men ended today. Here is a list of looks in films. 

Stay Tuned for reviews.