
Not Over the TOP!

Menswear looks do not have to be over the top in oder to stand out.  Sometimes it is better to mix and match pieces to get the effect. At times an entire expressive look can be a style train wreck.  Too much is happening in all directions.  With mens fashion a way of standing out is just use one piece.  I liked the Marni collection because there were parts of the collection that could stand stand alone.  The brands jacket or suit with the classic wardrobe piece such as a white shirt is enough.   A person does not have to over do it to be seen.  

The Black and Paper Go See at the Marni Atelier in Milan during Milan Fashion Week 


Milan Fashion Week Men-Edhen

Italian based shoe designer Edhen takes sensual to the next level this collection.  The sparkles of details mixed with the classic is what I loved.  A man can express a lot without saying a word wearing these shoes.

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Black and Paper Christmas List 2016 Title of Work

As a fan of scarves I am happy to recommend Title of Work as a Christmas Gift for 2016.  A New York City menswear brand founded by Jonathan Meizler mixing art with fashion resulting in statement accessories.

Title of Men is available in fine stores worldwide.


Philips presents IMPECCABLE!

For the modern man dressing well has become a part of life.   His style is a way to be recognized without saying much, flaunting his status in a visual way.

zzdsc_2492-fSUCCESS! Dressing for success starts before putting on the clothes.


ALLURE!  The Styling Grail Rules for wearing a White Shirt are: It has to be clean and It has to be crisp.zzdsc_2613-f

zzdsc_2453-fDEBONAIR! Ironed clothing is an inconspicuous detail which is noticed.


PRIDE! Well-pressed looks always gain respect!

INSPIRE! Flawlessly dressed and groomed are key ingredients of the masculine chic style.  zzdsc_2576-copy-f

Philips Perfect Care Elite Iron is available in stores and online.

Pics by Dale Grant

Styling by Hercules Terres.

An Original Black and Paper Production

Stay tuned for a listing of the fashion credits.