Italy is reeling from the Coronavirus outbreak. As fate would have it, I was in the country at the time. The Lombardy capital, Milan, went under lockdown. Suddenly a feeling of panic overcame Fashion Week. A deep sense of unease rippled through out the metropolis. All went silent. Milanese stayed indoors. The bustle stopped.

CNN recently added salt to the wound by reporting “affected Global areas from Italy”. Not cute in my opinion. Another example of the channel’s Airport Lounge journalism lacking context.
Recently, the fashion house Etro launched the #MilanoNever Stops campaign to promote a positive spirit for an always proud city.
This is from the brand’s Instagram Account:
MILANO NEVER STOPS: ETRO gifted a statement T-shirt to its friends, who were born in Milan or who chose Milan as their home, as a message of positivity and hope. Not available for sale.
ETRO decided to give its contribution to the ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco Hospital, supporting the scientific research, led by Professor Maria Rita Gismondo and her team, to help overcome this moment of global difficulty.
When the next fashion week happens in Milan. We will be there supporting a city that has been good to us.
Milan Mens Week start June 20th.