
I finally saw Skywalker

I saw the latest Star Wars film: Rise of Skywalker. I know the film has been out for a while. Contributing to the discusion seems pointless. The Rotten Tomatoes reviews are right. 

Episode 5 

Once again I ask the fallback question: How does it compare to The Empire Strikes Back? At 2 hours 23 minutes, the answer; please end this film soon.

There are so many problems with this film. The original Star Wars played it simple, a story of good versus evil. 2019, the world has become more complicated. That is one problem with the latest sequel. Filmmakers have not figured out a tone for the films. It has become weighed down trying to please everyone, not offend, stay modern, and hold true to the formula.  A heavy order to fill.

JJ Abrams and team combed through an old Xerox copy machine recycling box at Lucasfilm for a story. The entire movie is a reference to other films lacking original ideas with a repeated premise that comes off as lazy and vague.

Repeating Better Works 

The evil Sith Emperor returns to reconquer the galaxy. Off the band goes jumping from planet to planet chasing clues on where to find, then stop Palpatine. Guess how it ends? No spoiler needed.

Some character interaction scenes were painful.  Just saying the lines, woodenly interacting each other. I could almost hear the word “action” to the actors. I had little empathy for these characters.  There were groans in the large cinema, not a single laugh.  

Chewie, the reliable comic relief character in Episode 4, seemed more of an overly contrived plot device for nostalgia sake.

CGI is what you would expect from a Star Wars film.  However, even this did not propel the story in an awe inspiring way.

How will the next Star Wars team move forward? I have no clue. No advice to give. But the future instalments cannot continue to rely on the good will of the fanbase.

2.5 out of 5 stars. I could push it to 3 stars.

StarWars: Rise of Skywalker is playing in local cinemas. 


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