Crossing Genres With Mixed Results

At the Tribeca Film Festival this year there were the obligatory premieres. Despite the natural anticipation some program choices were questionable. Take for example the Wyatt Rockefeller directed Settlers. For its world premiere at Tribeca, expectations were good. After all, it is a Sci-Fi Western film from a debut director with an interesting cast.  “Johnny… Continue reading Crossing Genres With Mixed Results

Belarus on the VERGE

Reading the headline about the Ryanair flight intercepted to Belarus, a story straight from a Cold War novel, suddenly the world was back in an East versus West game of high stakes chest. President Alexander Lukashenko has been in power for almost 3 decades with no signs of exiting the stage. After the the 2020… Continue reading Belarus on the VERGE

Tribeca Day 1 Impressions

My first day at the virtual Tribeca Film Festival. My first impression of the overall films: technically superb, polished, broadcast quality, indeed ready for a streaming service. These are filmmakers with an end goal concerning their work.  While I have not seen broad risk taking, after viewing a few features, the message here is: I… Continue reading Tribeca Day 1 Impressions

Erotic Food Cinema

From International Film Festival Rotterdam, an interview with film director Yoshida Kota. His film Sexual Drive dives into 3 episodes of cuisine eroticism. Click below to watch the latest Chat Cinema podcast.