Stay Tuned for more details. I am a fan of the Hanseatic City.
Stay Tuned for more details. I am a fan of the Hanseatic City.
After attending the ITB Travel Fair 2019, I learned the travel field continues to grow. More want to get away, however, questions are being asked of the effects. “Overtourism” is becoming common. As a result, Many cities have become overwhelmed by holiday makers. Town centers have been abandoned for tourist. Barcelona, Venice, and Prague are being hollowed out. Coping with the traveler influx has become political and economic topics.
Apartments used for AirBnB, big hotel chains grabbing any available space. Public spaces flooded with visitors armed with selfie sticks. Locals started rebelling against tourists, weary of the temporary guests. The answers are not easy. Recently, a picturesque Parisian neighbourhood petitioned to place gates on the street to stop the weekend Influencer invasion searching for the the perfect gram.
Can flying economy become human again? Perhaps flying in the back of the plane will improve. Airlines are upgrading their services with new seats offering more leg space. Can the budgets say, “AMEN!” Middle East carrier Qatar Airways ups the game. I checked out their new Airbus livery. I give it top marks. A wide choice of in flight entertainment, bigger food portions, and even Godiva Chocolate for dessert. A good product for those looking for a better travel experience without breaking the wallet.
Africa is rising. The continent offers destinations based on experience: a trek to Victoria Falls or a Safari in Namibia. Many countries are developing tourism infrastructure, upgrading airlines while building hotels. Zimbabwe and Sierra Leone, two places not known as tourist friendly locations, are open for business. Asking adventure seekers to give their countries a try.
Colombia continues to move forward on all tourism fronts. A place once known for drug cartels and civil wars has made great strides to become a travel destination. Blessed with an extensive beach coast, mountains, and an multicultural mix of people, the South American country is rolling out the carpet for every type of visitor. Brimming with a smile, the marketing head told me how his country wants to become a top LGBT holiday spot. Many cities have pride and other gay friendly festivals. The capital city Bogota, has a large gay population with many bars and clubs. Moreover, Cartagena and Medellin have vibrant scenes worth exploring. I placed Colombia on my travel list. Stay Tuned.
Marrakesh. One of those places that excites the imagination of any traveller. My travel to the city turned into a delightful adventure of walks in the medina absorbing the sights, smells, and sounds. Getting lost was part of the fun.
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Clipper Inspired recommends:
Bahai Palace, Bab Agnaou Gate, Koutobid Mosque, and the market at sunset.
For great food, try Al Fassia, make a reservation in advance. It is very popular. Or try La Grand Post. Both located in the New City.
A bit of shopping, a view, a glass of Champagne all in one in Paris at Printemps.
I travel a lot. Sadly, most of my luggage does not make it. I was fond of a stylish brand, but after several broken zippers, including a trolley bag breaking at the Milan Airport. Done! Rearranging clothing in an airport is not a glamorous look! At that moment, I decided to look for a new travel bag label.
My criterial: Durability, and of course it has to look nice. But I think I will place an emphasis on strength. Are the bag’s compements able to hold up during travel? Cheap, plastic components could mean trouble somewhere.
My first question to the Thule of Sweden team at Pitti Uomo in Florence, “What is the guarantee for a check in trolley?” When he said 4 years, the state of surprise on my face was noticeable. I scanned the brands website. Luggage is listed as “limited lifetime”. After a quick recovery, he showed me the new product line. (See Video) A number of details distinguish the luggage include, contrasting interior and the minimal Scandinavian exterior design. The design leans more on the masculine side. The subterra bag duffel bag comes in an unique square but tubular shape.
The logo branding on the shell, was something I had to think about. I am not a fan of overt labels but if the quality is in the product, I can live with it.
Along with luggage, available are: Back packs and check in luggage.
I have not tested the Thule brand. I may try it. Can their bag survive flying around from one fashion week to another? Then a bus, then a train? Stay Tuned.
Images and video sponsored by Canon Deutschland.
Just walk, enjoy.
Montmartre is the romantic Parisian neighborhood on the hill with many local establishments, but what I like are the food stores. The display of goodies of all kinds are heavenly! For me, a casual stroll turns into a wonderland of food spotting, “gastronomic inspiration” through a window S’il vous plait? What is that? I want to try a bit. It looks delicious.
Even with a throng of tourist making their way up or down the streets, a rewarding time is to be had for those who love gastronomy.
Making the experience more memorable, I stopped in front of a shop window admiring the prepared delights. I was about to walk away when a patron said, “This is the best bakery in the area. Give it try.” Judging by the line in the small space I had to suppose he was right. The problem. What did I want? Hot or cold? Sweet or savory? I decided on sweet for later with coffee, strawberry pastry with whip cream and of course, some macrons. I am not sure how it happened, but,, the pastry managed to make its way back to my hotel for coffee. The delight did not disappoint. The whipped cream had melted, taking away some aesthetic points, but I enjoyed every sweet bite.
Sadly, I do not know the name of the bakery. If you are on a Rue Lepic, it is on the left side, going down, look for the Moulin Rouge at the bottom on Blvd Clichy. A flower shop and fish store are next door. There is no place to sit, as I said, it is a small, 25 meters, the establishment does not offer cafes, to my shock! Just go in and buy. If you use a credit card, the minimum is 10 euros.
No matter the perspective, when you troll on the Seine, it is inspirational. Take a book, a magazine, or a bottle of wine with a blanket, then find a spot.
During my trip to the Baroque City of Dresden, I visited the Resident Castle Museum in the center. The Riesensasal or Hall of The Giants, retains 350 objects from the fifteen to seventeenth century. The Electors of Saxony believed in splendor. Their Suits of Armour worn for battle, jousting tournaments or royal parades of pageantry are knockouts.. The layout of the room is for maximum effect to experience the armour’s color and styles. If you are “Lord of the Rings” fan, this is your temple.
Stay tuned for more from Dresden.
One word cannot describe Florence. We decided to use 3. Who could not fall in love with an intimate city offering gorgeous landscapes every part of the day, an early morning walk after breakfast, a hike up the hill in the afternoon, a stroll after a late cocktail.
The Franconia region of Southern Germany is worth exploring, offering an array of travel experiences. For the outdoor sports enthusiasts, mountain hiking to the top is rewarded with 100 km landscape vistas.
If history is your passion, top recommendation is exploring the many historical cities of Wurzburg, Bamberg, Rothenburg, and Ansbach.
Wurzburg is a romantic picturesque city of 120.000 on the river Main with spectacular Catholiccathedrals.While walking over the Old Main Bridge with its lined with statues, I was reminded of an intimate Prague.
The Wurzburg Residence in the city center is a splendid example of German Baroque style. For eye sweeping views of the city, climb the hill where the Marienberg Fortress is located.
Bamberg is a smaller city of 70.000 centered around a hill on the banks of the river Regnitz. A large portion of the historic community is a UNESCO heritage site. City Hall sits on an island in the middle of the river. The 13thcentury religious monument, Bamberg Cathedral overlooks the city from the hilltop.
The animated city of Rothenburg, founded in 1535, is a living Disneyland of preserved history. Behind medievalwalls sits buildings resembling an American amusement park. I have no doubt the Universal Studios team was here. Walking along the cobble stone roads, looking into shops in the historic center made me feel a bit “touristic”.
Kathe Wohlfahrt’s Christmas shop is a “must go”. An Ikea type labyrinth of Christmas decorations of every shape, size, and color topped by a 4 meter high Christmas tree, then an equally high Christmas Pyramid. The store is enchanting while beyond kitsch, especially in July!
The best reason to visit Baroque city of Ansbach is the joy of the Ansbacher Garden. Simply Gorgeous! The Middle Evil is small, 40,000 inhabitants, but punches above its size with many beautiful monuments, start exploring from the Martin Luther Square.
Beer or Wine?
The Franconia area of Bavaria is split in two parts: Uppper Beer lands, Lower Wine lands. During the warm months there are many local festivals and tastings. A blessing but make sure you have a designated driver.
Ansbach and Bamberg are situated in Beer territory, look for Kellers serving .5 liter ceremic beer mugs.
Wurzburg and Rothenburg are located in Wine country along with the unique Bocksbeutel bottle.
Sidenote: I forgot my camera for part of the journey. Why? I was a bit hungover from the wine and beer tastings, so I for got to charge the battery. Even after the 600 meter hike, the first stop was a beer keller. When in ROME!