The Paris Olympics, a sporting competition with athletes wearing tight lycra highlighting manly body parts. Understandable, fit guys in prime shape are the ultimate eye candy and physical fantasy. However, for those who could not make it to the 2024 Games, but plan on being in the French Capital one day. Forget about those medal… Continue reading A Paris Spectator Event, No Medals Ceremonies Required
Tag: penis size
Missing Out, WHY?
I haven’t forgotten Men Reloaded Podcast. New episodes are in the making. After a conversation about heterosexual hook up app with a female friend. Talk about a ritual to meet a member of the opposite sex. I got inspired. Are straight guys missing out? From one view point, “yes”. If only they knew. Stay tuned… Continue reading Missing Out, WHY?
Men Reloaded
New Episodes Coming Soon
Men Reloaded Podcast A Delivery Guy Package
You never know what the delivery guy is delivering. In the Lockdown we are ordering online. What happens if the deliverer is more interesting than what was ordered? This can happen. What to do? Hello, Customer Service, make sure I get this on a day with a high temperature.
Men Reloaded Package Delivery
A new Podcast Coming Soon-What happens when the guy who delivers packages has a pressing bigger package not in his hand? Vector from FreePik.