More news and interviews are coming soon from IFA Berlin.

Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. Lagerfeld.
Choose, look away or goggle, at times that is a hard decision to make, especially if it is a sudden choice in a rather embarrassing situation, especially if it involves a man’s large bulge. At the 2024 Paris Olympics the games come across as a public acceptance of OnlyFans. Male athletes are known for performances and packages. Sometimes you have to wonder why do people put on certain pieces of clothing before heading out the door. Were they in a rush? Was it a quick decision or a grab and go? That was the only clean piece available. I am not sure how the Karl Lagerfeld quote would apply to this moment in life.
People wear sweat pants for comfort, a quick errand, going to the gym or just laziness. It was clear sunny day in London. I decided to have a walk from the market to the other side. While crossing the Southwark Bridge, admiring the cityscape, looking down the Thames seeing London Bridge, a funny thing happened on the way to the north bank. On the horizon I saw two guys approaching from the opposite way. From the outlines, one looked slim to athletic, the other, more muscular perhaps, brawny. But, I was still enjoying the scenes of a bustling metropolis, just keep moving, thinking about a finding a café or hitting a Tesco supermarket for deli a chocolate chip cookie.
The male duo got close enough to get a clearer view. One was muscular blonde, square head shaped, around 1.83 meters wearing a white t-shirt with grey sweatpants, a bag over his shoulder. The leaner dark haired one carried a large fitness handbag. Maybe they just left a gym.
Without warning, the hunky blond in the grey grabbed my attention in a “Jim Carrey Ace Ventura” way, a double take with swollen eyeballs locked below his waistline. In a flash, London disappeared before my eyes. The city’s vistas became meaningless. Juggling in loose baggy track pants could have been cantaloupe large enough for a two-plate lunch salad. The eggplant meme was not popular then. Mr. Melon noticed my animated reaction. Suddenly, he broke into a smile while we passed each other, an acknowledgement of appreciation for seeing his very obvious for a few seconds.
That fleeting time on a bridge has stayed with me all these years. I wonder if he had sweatpants in different colors. Bye the way, I forgot about the cookie.
A snippet from the Before Tacky podcast with filmmaker Kevin Macdonald about fashion designer John Galliano. Rumours have hit the fashion gossip circuit the once former creative head of Dior is set for a return to the famed house. Click below to understand why we think this story feels a bit false.
Fashion designer Brett Johnson talks about creativity in this Before Tacky Brief.
Check out the entire podcast here:
The rise and fall of fashion wonderkid John Galliano was a magical story of success. Championed by industry heavy weights as a visionary, Galliano gave the world frivolity on the runways of Dior. However, under the surface of smiles, showmanship and Champagne toasts lurked an individual coming off the rails.
Academy Award winning director Kevin Macdonald stripes away the gloss, putting the former Givenchy fashion house head front and center of a documentary film about a man trying to his road to redemption.
Check out the Before Tacky Podcast on the film.
During Milan Fashion Week fashion designer Deborah LaTouche spoke about her label SABIRAH. In the MFW HUB the UK based designer discussed the collections modest looks made for a woman seeking glamor.
Click below for this episode of Clipper Inspired on the African Nation Senegal. We met up with the Minister of Tourism, he gave us a quick view on the travel offerings.
The Chat Cinema Podcast talks to Director Mike Donahue about his Academy Awards 2023 qualifying short live action film. Mike’s film TROY is the story of an intimate relationship, albeit, one sided through a thin wall. Tea and Charlie live in a New York City apartment next to fellow tenant Troy, a man with a “busy” urban life.
For this episode of Chat Cinema we talk to film maker Ahmad Alyaseer about acceptance even in death. His acclaimed, winning 102 prizes so far, short film OUR MALES AND FEMALES has qualified for the 2024 Academy Award.
Shein, the Chinese based fast fashion brand is about to have an IPO worth billions. What does this say about consumers? Is sustainable clothing all false virtue? Buyers love following the lifestyle of buying sustainable clothing, but in reality they follow their pockets. They want the cheapest pieces online. It is any wonder there is so much confusion in the fashion business.
In our Before Tacky podcast we spoke about buyers want and what they really buy.