
Fashion Lowdown Preview

Today, I read Gucci’s sales fell 10%. Sales in China saved the copernicus luxury brand from collapse. Last week LVMH put the brakes on Superstar Rhianna’s fashion line after two years. These stores are not a surprise in the current environment where consumers are in a holding pattern. The Black and Paper Fashion Lowdown report has been in the planning stages for a few weeks. I got tied up with other features. Also, the daily news from the fashion and retail world floods my in box. Keeping up with the fashion industry headlines evolved int a full time job. I read the daily using press. One grim reminder after another on the new world we are navigating. Layoffs, bankruptcies, unsold merchandise, the end is not around the corner. 2020 was a great reveal. 2021 will be reality.

Shopping Mall mothballed since December.

After having conversations with fashion professionals from around the world, my conclusion is: Uncertainty. A reset will happen, a slimmer. more grounded business.

I promise to make the Fashion Lowdown podcast. 


Chat Cinema on Pebbles

From the International Film Festival Rotterdam, Chat Cinema interviews the creative team of the Award Winning film Pebbles. Director Vinothraq’s story inspires the spirit.

Part 1 of 2. Click the link.

Stay Tuned for Part 2 of the interview.

Fashion podcast

Fashion Lowdown

The real opinion podcast on what happened in fashion and what may happen in fashion. 2020 proved challenging, 2021 could be a ride.

Fashion Feature

Before Tacky

Stay tuned for all the episodes.

Coming Soon
Cinema podcast

Only On HBO Max

The latest move by Warner Bros to release its entire slate on HBO Max sent shock waves through the film business. From Christopher Nolan to Steven Soderbergh weighed in on the move and consequences. For the second time on the subject of steaming, Chat Cinema discusses the fall out and shock. Should cinema goers start worrying about the future of theatres? Or is this a blimp in a strange year? Click down below to watch the entire episode.


Now What?

Warner Bros announced all of its 2021 slate films will have premiere simultaneously on the big screen and small screen via HBO Max. The Hollywood business models are changing. What does this mean for cheaters?  Stay tuned, we talk about this on the next Chat Cinema.

Wonder Woman
On HBOMax.
Fashion podcast

Before TACKY!

Introducing our new web show on conversations with fashion creatives from around the world. We will get down to business with anyone who wants to talk. Stay Tuned.

Cinema podcast

Chat Cinema-Theaters

Going to the movies has become a challenge.  We discuss the current state of affairs in our latest  Chat Cinema podcast.  Can theaters survive in the New Normal? Will audiences return?  


Men Reloaded Podcast A Delivery Guy Package

You never know what the delivery guy is delivering.  In the Lockdown we are ordering online.  What happens if the deliverer is more interesting than what was ordered? This can happen.  What to do? Hello, Customer Service, make sure I get this on a day with a high temperature.  

Stay Tuned.

Feature podcast

Men Reloaded Package Delivery

A new Podcast Coming Soon-What happens when the guy who delivers packages has a pressing bigger package not in his hand? 

Vector from FreePik.