
Hot Faces from Milan Fashion Week Men 2024

Hot Faces from Milan Fashion Week Men, at the presentations we made some pictures of models working. It’s a hard job but someone has to do it.

Hot Face from Milan Fashion Week Men 2024

Folsom Berlin 2022

Folsom Street Berlin came back this year. The leather Cirque du Soleil did not disappoint this year with looks or lack of at times. It was all in the spirit of fun at Europe’s largest leather festival.

Check out the Podcast Series Men Reloaded.


Men Reloaded Podcast A Delivery Guy Package

You never know what the delivery guy is delivering.  In the Lockdown we are ordering online.  What happens if the deliverer is more interesting than what was ordered? This can happen.  What to do? Hello, Customer Service, make sure I get this on a day with a high temperature.  

Stay Tuned.

Fashion Travel

Check Me,,, Please!

Under certain circumstances,,,,, I could go,,, KABOOM! 

The Paris today is not the Paris I remember the first time I visited the city. My then boyfriend was studying at the Sorbonne. How exciting! I arrived, threw the bags on the bed that took up 75% of the 22 sqm apartment then ran out to absorb the French capital.

Of course there was security but it was not omnipresent. I heard the two-toned French sirens in the background every once in a while but being in a city of 18 million, police sounds are a part of the landscape, a price to pay for the vitality of an urban space.

Returning to Paris, now feels like a different world. Police are everywhere patrolling the streets with guns, in wagons, on the river. The 2015 Bataclan Attack has affected the spirit of this open city. I felt a bit sad, everywhere, checks, security where once entrances were unimpeded.


When life gives a lemon, make lemonade. Turn a negative into a positive. Visiting the Army Museum or Les Invalides made me have a rethink about the police presence. Walking up to the entrance there were three young, smiling gentlemen wearing army uniforms. These guys were protecting us from a threat. Looking at their faces, I really did not care what threat, Invasion from Mars, terrorist! Their lean bodies trained to react, protecting the innocent.

I was carrying a shoulder bag. I knew the procedure. Open Bag, show the inside, possible body scan. It did not happen! I was insulted. What do I have to do to get checked by soldiers? I am wearing orange trainers with matching orange shoe laces. I could be a threat! Orange in November! I insist you CHECK! Frisk Me! I WANTED TO BE TAKEN TO A ROOM!!!! With all three! I would have settled for one, two better. Who knows how explosive the situation could have been.