
Shopping after Lockdown

Berlin partially lifted the lockdown.  On Saturday I decided to go go to the KuDamm, the city’s main shopping area, to see the results of the reopening. The department store KaDeWe had it fist day of sale on the 25th.  I ventured in, curious. Shopping in the “New Normal” written for an episode of “Black Mirror”.  As with other stores I checked last week, people stayed away. 


Shopping, Post Lockdown

Berlin partially lifted the lockdown form the Coronavirus Crisis. Stores up to 800 meters may open. But the limits are as follows: A limited number of people allowed for 20 meters. Sounds easy, but Soviet Union 1975, people standing in line waiting to get in a store. 

I wanted to see it for myself. As one of the first major cities to reopen, the German capital could represent life with Covid-19. A living petri dish of the “New Normal”.

Keep Distance 

 Shopping experience in a Post Lockdown world means distance.

I went to a denim shop in the city center for a pair of jeans. The sales person, a friend, was sitting outside as I came up. I entered the store with a mask in my hand, but he wearing his. There was tape on the floor to mark the 2 meter space in front of sales desk. Funny, the store felt a bit bare. I asked what happened. The previous collection was sent back to the head office. It did not sell. The carry over pieces are available until the Spring looks arrive.

I asked about business. A mixed reaction. He preferred people stay at home, not window shop. Better to call ahead for a pair of pants. It is safer. But the lack of buyers concerned him. If the lack of customers continued he feared the store would close in a matter of months. I got a pair of new jeans for the spring.

Tumble Weeds 

I walked around the shopping area, all the boutique shops looked empty. A street once filled with people, tumble weeds could have rolled across. A few stores marked down items at 70%. Few takers.

A bit strange walking into a sore filled with salespeople wearing masks and warning signs of a virus.   Even asking a staff member 2 meters aways felt awkward. Next time I think Whats App.

The Mitte mega mall, Alex, had more employees than customers. To enter, shoppers have to go through line control. Once shopping was about connivence, now, drudgery. Opened for business but no shows. The public stayed away on the first opened day after 5 weeks in lockdown.

Stay Tuned for more.


2 Moms in Los Angeles

Fashion Designer and Black and Paper contributor Elena Nazaroff along with her business partner, fashion model Yulia Dudenko produce Face Masks in their homes.  As the Coronavirus continues to ravage the world, the need for these accessories is great.  The two have stepped up production to meet increased demand.  

I admire the ladies for a being a part of the solution.   

Each 100% cotton mask is handmade with love.  All materials used are sustainable.

STAY SAFE! STAY HEALTHY! Please obey your local authorities concerning lockdowns and issues related to the Coronavirus. 

Black and Paper salutes all those working to keep society going in these times. 

We will get through this.  See you soon! Better times lie ahead.

To learn more about the Face Masks contact Black and Paper or @Elena or Nazaroff. 


Queens Speech

We wonder what is the purpose of the British Monarch? A gilded bubble, of an elite class. A relic from the Imperial Age of a fallen Empire. Queen Elizabeth’s speech last night put that to rest. When an American wants to hug a Union Jack, the emotional level was high. Inspiring. From Windsor Castle, the Royal head gave a speech drawn off her personal  experience from the Blitz. Taking the phrase by Vera Lynn “We will overcome this” showed her mettle. A type of maternal assurance one gets the night before a test.

During her 5thnational address her majesty praised front line NHS workers battling Coronavirus. “Selfless” individuals appreciated and needed by the country. With 48.000 infected cases, 4.935 dead, the UK continues to reel from the pandemic. There will be hard times ahead. Daily life upended. Disruptions as the UK faces it biggest challenge since World War 2. Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted to the hospital with complications to Covid-19. But seeing the head of state in her 67thyear on the throne giving a composed address will be material for for leadership classes. Perhaps a certain US President should enroll now. 

None are alone in this fight.   A phrase from the address; “better days will return”.   Indeed they will.


Doing Her Part
At the Singer 

Our contributing West Coast Editor Editor, Elena produces masks from her home in Los Angeles.  It is an inspiring sight.   If you need to order contact her directly via Instagram or reach out to us.  

We are all in this together. 


Berlin, Flesh and The Devil

While going around taking images of Berlin in stand still I remembered the 1959 film “The World, The Flesh, and The Devil”.  A 1959 starring Harry Belafonte roaming an empty post apocalyptic New York City landscape. While the German Capital is not quite in that setting the urban atmosphere has an eerie feel.  As if waiting for something to happen or not to happen. How long can this last? The “New Normal” is unreal.