Original over Expressionless

When a campaign is out of the box, it should be appreciated. Normally, fashion brands employ the same template. How many expressionless face models have we seen peddling the latest expensive this or that in glossy images? For a creative business, the fashion industry can be numbing with the same staid images.Brooklyn jewelry and handbag… Continue reading Original over Expressionless

From A No Person to,,

The coveted Blue Check Mark, a sign of a certain social media status, membership into an elite club of verification. Platforms dangled these haute emblems to commoners, an aspirational symbol of digital legitimacy. Recently I started getting message on my Instagram account asking me to verify my account. I stopped posting on IG in 2017,… Continue reading From A No Person to,,

Fronting and Fake

Fronting: Acting like you are more, or you have more, than what really exists. Fake: is a word to describe people who aren’t themselves in order to gain friends and end up being more popular. They seem very nice to everyone, yet trash-talks them behind their back in order to get attention from people and… Continue reading Fronting and Fake

Famous, Why?

I recently had a conversation with a record company press relations head. We talked about his artists rosters. Many I did not know, but I am over the hill.  As the conversation continued I said, “Today, everyone is famous. Either a celebrity, reality show, Instagrammer, YouTuber, 5000 channels, 10.000 programs, and whatever else. All you… Continue reading Famous, Why?

Buy Fab! Return Later!

Inside many of us lurks an Elisabeth Taylor trying to get out. Glamour requires the right clothing. Everyone wants to lead a glamorous life. Getting the right looks are a part of the formula, overcoming the obstacle of costs is simple: buy today, wear tomorrow, return the day after tomorrow.   During Fashion Weeks the… Continue reading Buy Fab! Return Later!

Is the Party Over!

Very recently there has been an upheaval in the media and social media world. Has the time of accountability in influencer marketing arrived? Global consumer company advertiser Unilever made a shot across the bow announcing there needs to be more transparency, less bots and false likes. At Cannes Lions, marketing head Keith Weed insisted on… Continue reading Is the Party Over!

In with the Old, Out with the Smart.

The best way to avoid all the issues of data collection and privacy matters, go retro.   A classic is always in style.  Are smartphones falling out of fashion? The more we learn about data gathering, the answer is becoming clearer.  In the Age of Hyper Connectivity,  digital arms length is looking like a safer… Continue reading In with the Old, Out with the Smart.