Inhumans is the latest television series from the Marvel Universe. Created in 1965 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, Inhumans is the story of ruling family and their court on a distant planet split by intrigue and ambition. King Bolt flees to Hawaii because of a successful upraising on his home world, resulting in Earth’s …
Tag Archives: super hero
Marvel’s Inhumans Preview
This is the first trailer for Marvel’s Inhumans. A new television premiering this September 1 at IMAX theaters and then on ABC TV. The Black and Paper interview with show director Roel Reine coming soon. Stay Tuned. For more information on Inhumans go to:
Wonder Woman Review
The reviews for the new “Wonder Woman” film been favorable, my question is, why? At best I found it average. As far as a super hero film, it introduced nothing new to the genre, a clunking undertaking. Director Patty Jenkins directed with paint by numbers approach that lacked focus. Chris Pine was perfectly cast as …
Berlinale Day 9
Berlinale Day 9 The final day of screenings, the Romanian film Ana, Mon Amour from previous Golden Bear winner Calin Peter Netzer ran for the press in Competition. A complicated psychological love story involving, sex and religion. The narrative structure of the film is complex, flashbacks. It was noted the film was influenced by Bergman’s …