
The Inhumans Interview

Inhumans is the latest television series from the Marvel Universe.  Created in 1965 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, Inhumans is the story of ruling family and their court on a distant planet split by intrigue and ambition.   King Bolt flees to Hawaii because of a successful upraising on his home world, resulting in Earth’s and Attilan’s fates becoming tied together.

Starring Anson Mount as Black Bolt, Iwan Rheon as Maximus, and Serinda Swan  as Medusa, the television show will have an exclusive release in IMAX cinemas on August 31st and September 1st before debuting on the ABC Television Network in the United States, September 29th.

Black and Paper sat down in Berlin to speak with Dutch Director Roel Reine after the IMAX screening of some scenes from his new project, Marvel’s Inhuman.

How many episodes were produced for Season 1

8,  I directed the pilot and the first episode.

There are two versions of this story, one IMAX and another for TV.  Are the two different?

Yes, the same story and structure but the IMAX version will have bigger, wider shots with the scope and framing.  It will be the complete experience of a massive screen in the theatre.

Making a television show look like a movie, was that hard?

I specialize in making small budget films look like big budget films.  The production schedule was for TV but I used IMAX Cameras for scope techniques.

As a creative person were you intimidated coming to the Marvel World?

I was.  The Marvel movies are very successful. Their TV series are diverse.  As a creative you feel it on your shoulders.  That was the challenge I liked. As a director pressure is a part of the job.  Marvel was supportive providing me with a great working environment.


The CG for Medusa’s hair, was this difficult?

It’s tricky.  Hair is the most difficult CG element, making it move and the fluidity.  Finding the right effects house, then, designing the right shots to tell the story.  I designed long takes to show what her hair can do.    The continued shot allows the audience to be more involved.

Lockjaw is a CG character, the first on TV. We had a good visual effect house, Double Negative.  I had a big foam dog made for the actors and camera crew to interact with during production.   It gave them guidance.

What is the series source of the Inhumans?

The source materials are from the comics of 1960’s and 1990’s.  The show also draws from the present world; politics, inequality, diversity, Brexit, and Trump in America.

Will Inhumans connect to the Marvel Universe?

The Marvel Universe is surrounded by secrets. The company is  protective of it’s properties and tie ins.  We have to wait and see.

For more information go to:   







Marvel’s Inhumans Preview

This is the first trailer for Marvel’s Inhumans.  A new television premiering this September 1 at IMAX theaters and then on ABC TV.

The Black and Paper interview with show director Roel Reine coming soon. Stay Tuned.

For more information on Inhumans go to: 


Wonder Woman Review

The reviews for the new “Wonder Woman” film been favorable, my question is, why?  At best I found it average.  As far as a super hero film, it introduced nothing new to the genre, a clunking undertaking.  Director Patty Jenkins directed with paint by numbers approach that lacked focus.  Chris Pine was perfectly cast as the dashing Steve Trevor but Gal Gadot as the title character filled the screened with brooding facial expressions proved capable but at times a bit forced in this writers opinion.  Supporting characters were wasted,  standard plot devices moved around from setting to setting.

Good production values CGI effects were lacking in originality.

2.5/5 stars.


Berlinale Day 9

Berlinale Day 9

The final day of screenings, the Romanian film Ana, Mon Amour from previous Golden Bear winner Calin Peter Netzer ran for the press in Competition.  A complicated psychological love story involving, sex and religion.  The narrative structure of the film is complex, flashbacks.  It was noted the film was influenced by Bergman’s Scene from a Marriage. 

Starring Diana Cavallioti and Mircea Postelnicu as a couple with challenges, the director focused on close ups of the actors to move the story along.  There is a lot of nudity along with a strong sex scene, was the sex over the top? The opinions were mixed.

Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, and Director James Mangold arrived at the Berlinale with their new film Logan, another sequel to the Marvel Comics X-Men/Wolverine Series.  The latest franchise installment screened out of competition. The applause level was 4/10.  After a festival of so many heavy films, it was a relief to see a Hollywood Blockbuster film.

Logan marks the end of the series for star Jackman.  He and his team took on a darker tone with the R rated saga with a marked increased level violence and the added ingredient of eleven year old killing machine Laura (Dafne Keen).  This was a controversial topic during the press conference. Mangold defended the violence by saying his film was aimed at adults.

I did not see the film but the press room feedback was mostly positive.