Fashion Technology


IFA 2018 coverage sponsored by Canon Camera (WERBUNG) 

A day full of surprises at IFA.   The market for consumer electronics is going strong.  Many brands are becoming design focus as technology moves into every room of the modern house. 

I was in a state of shock when an IFA colleague told me the new Blackberry is good. is there a need for Blackberry in the age of Apple and Samsung? According to him, “YES”!

Polaroid, the vampire device that cannot be killed is moving into the digital era with it iconic point and shoot camera. I was waiting for Partridge Family to roll up riding a Psychedelic Colored bus. 

It is all about streaming and talking to a device, audio.  Google Google Everywhere! The wave of the future is voice activation.  Google Assistant is going to be in your living room to obey and serve.   At the same time Amazon’s Alexa is preparing to take control of life as we know it. It feels like a war is brewing between the two tech titans.  Personally, I am ready for VO in my house.  I still get up to turn off a light.

Bang and Olufsen introduced a small but powerful motion censored audio device, the Edge.  It did not wow me like last years sound wall.  The circular speaker detects movement in the room and can be controlled by a touch or movement.   The specs and materials are what a buyers expects from the high end Danish Brand, all top notch and cutting edge. 

Acer unveiled new devices including a light weight laptop and new VR headgear.  The VR gear scared me a bit.  It look liked a  lot of tech packed into a headgear.  I will test it later.  

Asus surprised me.  I liked the look and specs of the Asian brands new PC’s, A new design DNA.  Look for more details later.
Back to Life 

Images made with Canon G3X. 


Dreaming of Tech Silk

The Age of Wearable Technology is upon us. REALLY?!


Wearable Technology, also known as wearables and wearable tech, is a mobile, non-stationary computing device fitted for the body providing communication, interaction, and information to the user. The two main categories of wearables are smartwatches and smart clothing. Wearable technology will affect our appearance as well as public interaction. The potential market for wearable technology is massive but questions remain: Is there a real need for wearable technology or is it just the latest tech hype looking for the next Big Thing? Are wearables a form of futurism that may never come? As of 2016 wearable tech feels more like concepts or unfinished blueprints rather than solid products. In order for wearable devices to become successful brands should consider combing the wearer’s needs, desires, social status, and usefulness instead of focusing on technical possibilities or the next killer application compatibility aspects. So far tech and style are still struggling to meet the challenges of personalisation, obtrusive size, wearer needs, and the strange user public interaction.

Reasons for Doubt

Technology is accepted for two reasons, first, they create a new need. Secondly, the performance of the device is overwhelmingly better than others. So far, neither of these criteria’s have been met in the wearable fields. Better, faster, and smaller are the ethics for devices.The continued miniaturization of technology means smart devices, in particular smartwatches, will get smaller but usage issues remains. Who can forget the image of Apple Watch user holding his device to his ear or Google Glasses required the wearer to blink or motion the head for a command a function. In public these interactions look embarrassing. Wearable Technology involving direct connection to the body, biological upgrading with technology of blending physical with digital will connect all. Man and machine interfacing as one. Motion detected clothing reacting to movements and gestures as well as data collection to make the wearer a more efficient person are new possibilities with intelligent fabrics that change colors and patterns are also on the horizon. Big tech companies are aspiring for looks integrating technology with clothing. Results have not been positive. Buyers appear hesitant, a lack of excitement. Their expectations and desires have not been met by what is currently available. Could wearable technology become the next Betamax or Segway? Time, design, style, and consumer taste will tell.

The authors of this article do not suffer from techophobia nor are they anti-wearable, just two people waiting for a compelling reason to buy something wearable.