Over a few October days I wondered the Wine Country Franconia during some wine tasting while also enjoying the views.
I must admit, after tasting severals different wines, walking is the vineyards is not as easy as it looks.

Over a few October days I wondered the Wine Country Franconia during some wine tasting while also enjoying the views.
I must admit, after tasting severals different wines, walking is the vineyards is not as easy as it looks.
Located near my hotel, it was an easy walk to the Royal Palace of Naples. The Baroque and Neo Classical palace sits in the Piazza Del Plebiscito in the center of Naples.
Many of the great rooms took my breath away. I made an audible Gasp on entering one chamber, one I have not made that sound since an encounter in London with a Slim Irish Guy. I was visually stunned both times, however, the 17thcentury Palazzo may have won the contest.
I received a press release of the product ViraShield by tech start up Pictar. If I had gotten this mail 18 months ago I would have laughed. Or thought to myself, “an EasyJet Safety Bag”. For those moments during budget traveling when you need to have a tight happy zone. Outrageous!
2020 has made me rethink about life, especially travel. Sooner or later I have to get on a train or plane again. My worry is real. Newspaper stories about travellers infected during travel then isolated on arrival became common.
At $89.00 the ViraShield could be money well spent. A way to prevent an expensive unintended 10 to 14 day quarantine.
It’s light, reusable and adjustable. Producers claim it is resistant to droplets. Because of the 360° design, the users body is protected at all times.
Is this future of travel? Would I travel with the ViraShield? This year proved not ruling out anything.
The writer has not taken a train, bus or plane in months.