The Paris Olympics, a sporting competition with athletes wearing tight lycra highlighting manly body parts. Understandable, fit guys in prime shape are the ultimate eye candy and physical fantasy. However, for those who could not make it to the 2024 Games, but plan on being in the French Capital one day. Forget about those medal… Continue reading A Paris Spectator Event, No Medals Ceremonies Required
Tag: travel advice
My Berlin to Munich Trip
I took a business trip to Munich on the Deutsche Bahn recently. Booking a first class ticket with a reserved seat to the Bavarian city is a must. Once,,,, I made the mistake of taking D Bahn without reserving a a seat. No Thank You! “Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame… Continue reading My Berlin to Munich Trip
All in One Travel Experience
The Franconia region of Southern Germany is worth exploring, offering an array of travel experiences. For the outdoor sports enthusiasts, mountain hiking to the top is rewarded with 100 km landscape vistas. If history is your passion, top recommendation is exploring the many historical cities of Wurzburg, Bamberg, Rothenburg, and Ansbach. Wurzburg Wurzburg is a romantic… Continue reading All in One Travel Experience