ITB Berlin continued to inspire travellers this past week.

ITB Berlin continued to inspire travellers this past week.
Modern civilisation should always look to the ancient Roman city of Pompeii for a lesson on humility and destruction.
Jaegerborggade, there is a name not easy on the tongue. The Copenhagen street located in Norrebro area of the Danish capital, at first did not strike a visitor as trendy. While looking for the sign I missed it completely, walking two full blocks before asking a person for directions. Jaegerborggade is a narrow residential thoroughfare lined with independent shops, cafes and bars. Talking to the locals, there is a real sense of community. Unlike generic shopping malls with their endless, at times numbing sameness, the stores offer original, unique pieces for shoppers that move from hat designs, jewel smiths and even bakeries making caramel treats. A good time to visit is doing one of the many open street fair events.
A recent article in The Guardian newspaper described Napes as “the city of imminent doom.” A place where cool books and tv shows are set. Agreed.
After my visit to the city in August 2021, in my opinion the Southern Italian city has an eccentric vibe. A place where everything past and present meet on the Mediterranean Sea. Walking around the city there are impressive architectural inspirations from various epochs of human history.
Meissen, the Capital of Porcelain, is an underrated town. Located 25 miles from Dresden, the hilly, 11 centuries old Saxony German settlement proved me wrong, underrated came to mind. Why? I had little expectations for a day trip. With only 30,000 inhabitants, pleasant surprises come from small packages comes to mind, picturesque scenes, wine tasting and a bit of upscale shopping at the Meissen Shop.
Stories we have in the pipeline, Glashütte Museum on the Clipper Inspired Podcast, the other worldly scenes from Dresden, Glashütte Original timepieces and the Moritzburg Palace.